Sunday, January 27, 2008

teenagers can't drive!

Ok, not about my kids as much. We had another of those car accidents caused by teenagers being dumb. A teenage boy was driving 85 and racing on a little road with his 12 year old brother in the car. Not a good ending-from what the pictures show, there is not much left of either the boys or the car. They both died and the boy in the other car is in critical condition after being ai-lifted out. A girl in my Sunday School class (all high schoolers) tried to argue with me and tell me that some teenagers are good drivers-haven't met one yet. By definition, they aren't good at it. The problem is, they think they are. I can't imagine how hard it will be to let my kids drive, or worse, ride in a car with another teen. Kids can take driver's ed at 14 1/2-way to young! Every teen I know that age is way to distractable and impulsive. I have been drving a long time and I still make lots of mistakes. Landon will be the oldest in his class and will want his license before everone else. Yes, I know we have more than a decade to wait, but if you are a parent, you know what I am talking about.
Took the kids to church today, made it thru both Sunday School and the service with out getting paged to come to the nursery to take care of Kai. They love her down there. She is always smiling-and her smile is sooooo cute.
We have a playgroup coming over today-I will s[eak the best English and the worst Spanish of anyone here. In fact, I may be the only one to speak English. Hope it goes well.


Alexis said...

It's because your brain isn't fully formed until you are 25, so from the ages of 12 to 25, you are basically an idiot.

twingirls said...

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Some people are idiots long after that...