Saturday, January 12, 2008

let me try this again

OK, maybe this time, my computer will work-last time, I ran out of juice because the power cord was shredded-could the culprit be the dog or the vacuum cleaner? Guess we'll never know. Landon is getting so big, which he constantly reminds me of. He will be 4 in September, but looks like he already is. We went to the sandbox today-he loves it and it is warm enough for us right now. We played the "attached to you game" with his sister. We take turns being attatched at the cheeks to each other. I am stuck to Kai and he ia stuck to me, that kind of thing-very cute. Kai is showing her personality already and she is stubborn. When I go to wipe her nose, she turns from me and keeps her head turned for a couple of minutes so I can't get to her, mind you, she is only 6 months old. We bought a "tickle machine" to cut Landon's and Chad's hair-it works well. we told Landon that he either had to get his hair cut or his fingernails cut-he opted for the hair-he hates the fingernails, he will scream like we are beating him the entire time we cut his nails. We literally have to hold him down to cut the nails and it takes both of us. Anyway, last night, we told him he had to get his nails cut and he immediatley said "no, I want my hair cut" then proceeded to pull the chair into the bathroom, climb on it and scream. If it wasn't so loud, it would be funny. The nails are cut and we live to tell another tale. Kai is asleep and Landon will be shortly. I am off to have a Margarita -yum

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